Chances are most of you are familiar with the concept of budgeting. For those who aren’t, budgeting is the process of figuring out how to best use the money you have available. If you get a $500 paycheck, for example, you may use some of it to buy new clothes, some of it to buy food, and some of it to invest. There’s no right or wrong way to allocate things - just the process of dividing up your money is considered budgeting.
Budgeting can also mean setting limits on how much money you’ll allow yourself to spend. Many people budget in categories - say, by setting aside $50 a week for groceries, $20 a week for going out to eat, and $40 for other expenses. Others may set a more general limit - maybe $100 a week in total spending. Some might even set budgets on specific purchases, like committing to spend no more than $50 a month on clothing.
Anyone who has tried to set a budget in the past or uses one now knows that budgeting isn’t always easy. Unexpected expenses come up all the time, you might have less money than you initially expected, or maybe you just end up spending more than you initially allocated. All of these are incredibly normal and valid, so don’t beat yourself up if you don’t always stick to you budget. And don’t worry either if you’re not interested in creating a strict budget for yourself. There are plenty of people out there who are able to save and live comfortably without a specific budget.
Fizz and budgeting
Fizz is a great tool for college students for a lot of reasons. The Fizz card can help you build credit and earn cash back rewards while teaching you the ins and outs of personal finances. But it can also be a huge help when it comes to budgeting, whether you’re a strict budgeter with apps and spreadsheets, a casual budgeter who tries to live within their means, or someone who doesn’t want to have to think about their money at all.
Part of what makes Fizz stand out above the competition is the fact that it includes features like daily Autopay and SafeFreeze. Normal student credit cards only give you the option to rack up purchases all month - and then they stick you with a bill and encourage you to pay the minimum and go into debt so that they can make more money. Your Fizz card, on the other hand, will pay off your purchases every day if you enable daily Autopay, so your bank account balance will more accurately reflect how much you have to spend on a daily basis and you start every day from $0. No more overspending and figuring out how to pay a massive bill every month.
Overspending happens to all of us, and while it’s not always the end of the world, it can be a big obstacle when it comes to budgeting. But again, don’t despair! Everyone overspends, so don’t worry too much when it happens to you. Plus, Fizz can help a lot with this aspect of budgeting. We connect to your existing bank account and with features like daily Autopay and SafeFreeze, you can spend knowing that we have your best interests in mind and will help keep you from being financially irresponsible.. In contrast, most student credit cards give you a huge credit limit that can encourage you to overspend and go into debt. But not Fizz!
Those are just a couple of reasons why your Fizz card makes budgeting even easier. But Fizz also has budgeting tools built right into the app. Plus, Fizz puts out tons of publishing tips, tricks, resources, and articles designed with you in mind. We want to help you get a hold of your finances, whether you’re well versed or just starting out. We also constantly publish new content on TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more.
Final thoughts
A big takeaway here is that everyone is human, and different things work for different people. While some of you might like to create and stick to a strict budget, others are more comfortable with a more casual approach. You shouldn’t have to budget a certain way in order to be good with money. Just like you shouldn’t have to go through a complicated approval process, pay hidden fees, pay interest, and manage a huge credit line just to build credit.
Every part of Fizz is designed with you in mind. We don’t charge interest and we don’t make things complicated in the hope that you’ll screw up. Simply put, your finances don’t have to be scary. And putting yourself on the right path is easier than ever with Fizz. So what are you waiting for? Download the Fizz app and get your card today!
*This communication is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice.*

Sam Lipscomb
Author bio
Sam is a Kenyon College alum and is head of content at Fizz. He's been a go to personal finance resource among his peers since getting his first credit card during his sophomore year of college. He hails from Washington, DC, loves all things aviation, and currently lives in Los Angeles.